I honestly have never had more fun filming an item. Drinking on the job -the most amazing G&T ever!- surely was a big part of it, but it was Ivana Perkovic’s enthusiasm and energy that really fueled this whirlwind tour of my sexy Amsterdam hotspots. Enjoy!

[youtube id=”M8-foU5XC38″]

Although I like to complain about how the obsession with fillers and botox is making an entire generation of women look like sad, desperate clowns, I’m definitely not against cheating nature a little. As a matter of fact, I LOVE ridiculously expensive creams that smooth out my 43-year old rough edges. And filters, god how I love a good Instagram filter! So what if there was a cream that could give your skin an instant Instagram-make over? Kind of like Valencia in a bottle? Well, I found three serums that do just that! Read more

Vier je vrouwelijkheid. Draag je steentje bij aan een mooiere wereld. Twee kleine motto’s die grote gevolgen kunnen hebben, denkt journaliste/presentatrice Beertje van Beers (43). Nee, dat denkt ze niet, dat wéét ze. Dus voedt ze haar dochter Tigerlily (8) ook zo op. ‘Haar vader is een soort Sinterklaas.’ Read more

Q: What do Lewis Hamilton, Elvis Presley, Bruce Lee and I have in common? A: We all look pretty snazzy in a jumpsuit! Well, at least I FEEL pretty snazzy in a jumpsuit, and own over a dozen of them. There’s something about the concept of a jumpsuit that is just so streamlined and sexy, so ready-for-action. ANY type of action, gheghe! Read more

Exactly 20 years ago, in a sweaty reggae club in LA, a boy got on one knee and asked me out on a date. ‘I’ve literally been stalking you for over a year now,” he said with a sexy British accent. He wore a big quiff and a huge grin. I wore my lucky purple push-up bra. Instead of calling the police, I fell madly in love.  Read more

Hotpants, tiny mini-dresses and little A-line skirts are my fashion staples; I don’t care if people say I’m too old (I’m 43), or that it’s too cold. If anything, how bad-ass to be able to defy both your age ánd the weather with one outfit! I might not go as far as French style/sex guru Caroline de Maigret who urges us to ‘always be fuckable’, even when ‘standing in line at the bakery on a Sunday morning,’ but I do want to say this: Read more

Mom Jeans. This is what I have to say about them: ‘Never go full mom.’ Have you seen Tropic Thunder? Remember when Robert Downey Jr.’s character tells a fellow actor: ‘Never go full retard!’? Well, once you go full mom on your jeans, there’s no way back. People can never ‘unsee’ when they’ve seen you like this: Read more


My work out goals: to be relaxed, fit and bikini-ready year round. In that order! For the Dutch edition of Grazia Magazine, I kept a fitness diary, during what was probably my busiest fitness week of the year. Phew! (in other words: it may seem that way, but I’m NOT a fitnorexic Read more


Magazine 'Happy in Shape' cornered me on the red carpet to ask me about my diet and fitness routine. Reading back the article, I must say that I seem pretty happy and in shape! Enjoy the translation:  Read more